Thursday, 23 July 2009

The Cake Committee

The Cake Committee has been formed by a small group of keen home bakers, and to be honest 'feeders' at heart as well. Looking for an outlet we hope to organise cake afternoons that will give us an opportunity to bake (which we love) feed others (so we don't get fat) swap recipes, chat and plan for world domination all at the same time!

We are having our first test run on Sunday 16 August, so watch this space for photos of all our home bakes.


  1. What a wonderful event! I happened to be at the Yard on Sunday,catching up on work and stumbled upon this magical cake treat at the end of my day...very welcome!
    I witnessed (and tasted) true art around those tables!
    Looking forward to the next one.
    As I mentioned to Peter, I recently came across a quote from a 17th century swell: "A day without cake is a day half lived."
    Here here!
